Latest news
Mindful Goals is the first habit tracking app that fits well in my routine. The app is clean, beautiful and focused on what matters. The "North Star" and "Mindset" reminders are a simple yet powerful feature!

Arthur Floriani
Cofounder of
I have been trying different tools to track my habits and goals and this is one to keep an eye. It is a new tool in the game but definitely on the right track to becoming your only daily habit tracker.

Victor Carreño
CTO of
I have been waiting for years for an app to combine habit and goal tracking. It’s awesome! The fact that it’s the most beautiful app is just a huge bonus!

Phillip Stemann
Front-end Developer

Quick overview

Get an instant overview of all your goals to stay focused and motivated.

Turn ambiguous goals into actionable steps

Make it trivial to get started on your goals by specifying the first few steps.

Positive reinforcements

Get reminders with encouragement. Reward yourself for achieving your goals.

Easily update progress

Keep your goals updated and know your progress throughout the year.


The goal & habit tracker for high achievers


The most effective to-do app you'll ever need